- Avusturya / Österreich
- Bosna Hersek / Босна и Херцеговина
- Bulgaristan / България
- Hırvatistan / Hrvatska
- Çek Cumhuriyeti & Slovakya / Česká republika & Slovensko
- Fransa / France
- Almanya / Deutschland
- Yunanistan / ΕΛΛΑΔΑ
- İtalya / Italia
- Hollanda / Nederland
- İskandinav / Nordic
- Polonya / Polska
- Portekiz / Portugal
- Romanya & Moldova / România & Moldova
- Slovenya / Slovenija
- Sırbistan & Karadağ / Србија и Црна Гора
- ispanya / España
- İsviçre / Schweiz
- Türkiye / Türkiye
- İngiltere ve İrlanda / UK & Ireland
Etkinlik 30 Eylül - 01 Ekim 2015
GREATIST’15 is the name of several important dental events which bring local and international dental professionals together and provide them the opportunity to develop their knowledge, socialize and learn about new products. It also provides exhibitors and sponsors the opportunity to meet face to face dental professionals and give them detailed information about their products.
The exhibition is an important market place for members of dental sector to purchase new equipments and products. Local and international dental companies will exhibit their products for Turkish and foreign visitors. Visiting the exhibition area will be free of charge.
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