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Dental Istanbul 2012



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Etkinlik 13 - 14 Ekim 2012

Dental Istanbul is:
• The biggest non-associated dental congress of Turkey
• A symposium for dental technicians
• An exhibition (around 2000 sqm, 80-100 exhibitors)
• Dental training courses in different rooms



Letter from the President of Vestiyer Publishing Group:


I am glad to inform you about our event, “Dental Istanbul”. The event, which will be held on 13rd - 14th October 2012, aims to get all parts of dental sector together in Istanbul.

Four years ago, in the magical atmosphere of Istanbul, we were very excited to launch a new meeting platform of the dental world. We were expecting to meet dental professionals from all over the world, especially from Balkans, Middle East, North Africa, Russia, Turcic Republics. We have thought that by the help of central position of Istanbul between East and West and being a brigde between Asia and Europe, meeting in Istanbul would be easier then many places in the world.

In last four years, dental profesionals from many countries, proved us that our dream is coming true. Today, we are proudly saying that Dental Istanbul is one of three biggest dental congresses in Turkey. Dental Istanbul is also the biggest non-associated dental congress of Turkey. 1070 delegates (780 dentists, 250 dental technicians, 40 dental assistants) have attended, and 1400 sector members have visited Dental Istanbul in 2011.

Now, we are making preparations of the event planned for 2012. We will be very happy to see in you in Istanbul, as a visitor, exhibitor, attandee or observer.

I kindly request you to inform us about ideas regarding Dental Istanbul and possible collaboration fields.

Thank you in advance for your concern.

Bülent Manav, DDS
The President of Vestiyer Publishing Group


Contact Details:

Vestiyer Fair and Congress Organization Company
Meridyen Plaza
Cirpici Yolu 1/523 Merter
34173 Istanbul
Tel: +90 212 481 02 20
Fax: +90 212 481 02 26
Email:  //
Website:  //

Venue: Grand Cevahir Convention Centre

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