- Avusturya / Österreich
- Bosna Hersek / Босна и Херцеговина
- Bulgaristan / България
- Hırvatistan / Hrvatska
- Çek Cumhuriyeti & Slovakya / Česká republika & Slovensko
- Fransa / France
- Almanya / Deutschland
- Yunanistan / ΕΛΛΑΔΑ
- İtalya / Italia
- Hollanda / Nederland
- İskandinav / Nordic
- Polonya / Polska
- Portekiz / Portugal
- Romanya & Moldova / România & Moldova
- Slovenya / Slovenija
- Sırbistan & Karadağ / Србија и Црна Гора
- ispanya / España
- İsviçre / Schweiz
- Türkiye / Türkiye
- İngiltere ve İrlanda / UK & Ireland
Etkinlik 28 - 30 Mayıs 2015
International Congress Society of Oral Rehabilitation Forum Odontologicum
28 - 30 May 2015, Istanbul,Turkey
1st International Congress of General and Oro-Maxillo-Facial Rehabilitation – EXTRAORDINARY EDITION
Actualities in dental medicine, classic and modern.
Medical practices associate with dental medicine.
The pioneers of of mondial implantology.